An advance of Rs. 5,000/- needs to be paid for booking a non-pvt party and Rs 25,000/- for a VIP party only after which the booking shall be confirmed (pls note- this is not a deposit)
The advance paid for the party is non-refundable, however if any cancellations, the amount can be used towards free play.
Extra Adults will be charged an entry fee of Rs 150/-each
Food will be charged per person irrespective of number of plates used
A minimum guarantee of 10 kids is required for booking a birthday.
While we cannot guarantee you about re- scheduling your party in any unforeseen circumstance, we will try our best to re-adjust your dates.
Socks are mandatory for kids as well as adults who enter the play zone.
Outside food is strictly prohibited in the premises.
Any change in the food menu has to be made 1 day prior to the party.
Management will not be held responsible for any unforeseen accidents.
We reserve the rights to reschedule your party to an alternative date if this is necessary due to an unforeseen circumstance.
An additional charge of Rs.1500 per hour will be charged if the premises is used beyond the given time slot.